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Inherits from plotpp::IPlot

Public Functions

Boxplot(const Tx & x_scalar, optional_ptr< Ty > y_range)
Boxplot & label(const char * label)
Boxplot && label(const char * label)
Boxplot & label(std::string_view label)
Boxplot && label(std::string_view label)
Boxplot & label(std::string && label)
Boxplot && label(std::string && label)
float opacity() const
Boxplot & opacity(float opacity)
Boxplot && opacity(float opacity)
float boxWidth() const
Boxplot & boxWidth(float bw)
Boxplot && boxWidth(float bw)
bool relativeBoxWidth() const
Boxplot & relativeBoxWidth(bool rbw)
Boxplot && relativeBoxWidth(bool rbw)
virtual void printSettings(FILE * fptr) const
virtual void printData(FILE * fptr) const
virtual void printPlot(FILE * fptr) const

Additional inherited members

Public Functions inherited from plotpp::IPlot

IPlot() =default
IPlot(std::string label)
virtual ~IPlot()

Protected Functions inherited from plotpp::IPlot

virtual IPlot & uid(size_t & uid_io)
size_t uid() const

Friends inherited from plotpp::IPlot

class Figure

Detailed Description

template <class Tx ,
ForwardRange Ty>
class plotpp::Boxplot;

Public Functions Documentation

function Boxplot

inline Boxplot(
    const Tx & x_scalar,
    optional_ptr< Ty > y_range

Note: Boxplot needs at least 4 y-data points to work correctly If less than 4 datapoints are used the median will be added as padding.

function label

inline Boxplot & label(
    const char * label

function label

inline Boxplot && label(
    const char * label

function label

inline Boxplot & label(
    std::string_view label

function label

inline Boxplot && label(
    std::string_view label

function label

inline Boxplot & label(
    std::string && label

function label

inline Boxplot && label(
    std::string && label

function opacity

inline float opacity() const

function opacity

inline Boxplot & opacity(
    float opacity

function opacity

inline Boxplot && opacity(
    float opacity

function boxWidth

inline float boxWidth() const

function boxWidth

inline Boxplot & boxWidth(
    float bw

function boxWidth

inline Boxplot && boxWidth(
    float bw

function relativeBoxWidth

inline bool relativeBoxWidth() const

function relativeBoxWidth

inline Boxplot & relativeBoxWidth(
    bool rbw

function relativeBoxWidth

inline Boxplot && relativeBoxWidth(
    bool rbw

function printSettings

inline virtual void printSettings(
    FILE * fptr
) const

Reimplements: plotpp::IPlot::printSettings

function printData

inline virtual void printData(
    FILE * fptr
) const

Reimplements: plotpp::IPlot::printData

function printPlot

inline virtual void printPlot(
    FILE * fptr
) const

Reimplements: plotpp::IPlot::printPlot

Updated on 2025-03-02 at 14:13:16 +0100